The Ultimate Validation of Our Efforts: WARSTUFF goes Premium.

WARSTUFF implements Seller memberships

After two years of free service for Buyers and Sellers, WARSTUFF implements low-cost memberships for Sellers. Visitors will still be able to get free access to browse the items and content on the site, and Buyers will still benefit from completely free access for an unlimited period. Our approach to delivering the WARSTUFF service was…

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Top 5 Tips for Collecting War Medals

WARSTUFF buy and sell WW2 Japanese Relics

One of the most satisfying aspects of militaria collecting is to connect with history. War medals and awards remain the best way of doing this directly with those who earned them in battle, sometimes through quite extraordinary acts of bravery and selflessness.  The war medals and awards market stands out in the field of militaria…

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Try out the latest militaria selling features!

In our ongoing quest to make WARSTUFF your preferred online marketplace for militaria and war relics, our latest service updates focus on optimising your buying and selling experience. Always with an eye on making things faster and easier for you our members, here is the low down on the latest set of changes we have…

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How much is your militaria worth? New valuations service launches.

Get your militaria valued

Online auctions marketplace WARSTUFF has expanded its online services with the launch of a new militaria valuations service through an all new website, WARSTUFF Valued. The online militaria appraisals service aims to offer an accurate valuation of an item within 48 hours, for just £5.99. The service allows users to enter a description of their…

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