WARSTUFF gets a fighter jet eBay didn’t want

WARSTUFF gets a fighter jet eBay didn’t want

A twelve month old London based web company that is taking the international market for antique arms and armour by storm has become the recipient of an unusual war relic for sale.

Harrier Jump Jet for saleWARSTUFF.com which offers a destination for militaria dealers and collectors globally to buy and sell online, spotted the opportunity to offer a viable alternative to eBay who have in recent times come under fire for their poorly defined policies on the sales of military antiques which are alienating dealers. Only last week, the BBC News channel reported on the removal of a decommissioned Royal Air Force Harrier Jump-jet Fighter plane from sale as despite being simply a harmless relic, it contravened their weapons policy. The jet has now been listed for sale on WARSTUFF.com.

“We’re gratified Jet Art Aviation who owns the Harrier recognizes the value of what WARSTUFF is creating and we hope it finds a buyer through us. eBay’s policies consistently demonstrate a lack of interest and understanding of military antiques, so we’re only too pleased to offer a service that does deliver for this market” Paul McCabe, WARSTUFF’s founder said in a release.

The Harrier, built in 1971, is one of only four of its kind left in the world. You can find it by searching for ‘Harrier’ on WARSTUFF.com.

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